Q: Heather, what can Lab employees and affiliates expect from shuttle services in 2023?

A: I think the first thing they can expect is expanded service. In October 2022 we started piloting a new route between the MacArthur BART station, UCB campus and the Lab’s hill site. This new route was successful enough that we decided to make it permanent. We also adjusted the Rockridge BART shuttle schedule so that a shuttle will pick up from MacArthur or Rockridge BART stations approximately every 30 minutes.

We’re also partnering with the vendor that provides our real time shuttle tracking and ride planning app, TripShot, to provide updated training.

Q: What factors do you take into consideration when adding or modifying a shuttle route?

A: Our routes are designed to maximize service to the surrounding Lab population, so that is our primary consideration. We look at the number of people coming to our sites each day, ridership on existing routes, local public transit, where employees live, and suggestions that come in through commute@lbl.gov or busservices@lbl.gov. The Lab also has a Transportation Advisory Committee which provides advice on shuttle services.

I want to emphasize that we take suggestions very seriously and encourage anyone in the Lab community to share feedback and questions. Our goal is to provide effective, efficient, and timely service to all of our Lab facilities.

Q: Will the Lab ever extend shuttle service to other cities like Walnut Creek or Alameda?

A: The Lab is restricted in how we allocate funds for transportation solutions, and our shuttle service is constrained to the immediate area of the main Lab site, UCB campus, and between other Lab facilities like OCFO and JBEI.

Q: Where can riders find the most current route, shuttle stop, and schedule information?

A: Our community can find accurate information on our shuttle services in a number of places. The best place to look is on the TripShot app, which has the latest shuttle schedules and route information. The TripShot app has a trip planner function to view route options, access to shuttle real-time location, and the ability to see notifications if a vehicle is arriving or delayed. Shuttles.lbl.gov also displays the TripShot schedules. Finally, our onsite shuttle shelters also have transit screens with the latest information on the Lab’s shuttles and nearby public transit for that stop.

Q: How can riders provide feedback about shuttle service?

A: We welcome feedback on shuttle service, including thoughts on service updates and recent riding experiences, at busservices@lbl.gov.

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