The Lab community is encouraged to participate in the annual Great Shakeout earthquake drill this Thursday, Oct. 17 at 10:17 a.m. Alerts will be issued and everyone is asked to practice “Drop, Cover, and Hold On.” Calendar the event here.
Afterward, join the Lab’s Emergency Management team from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. outside Building 91 to learn about emergency preparedness, meet first responders, and have opportunities to win prizes. Go to for more information.
With this year’s Great Shakeout, recipients of LabAlert messages are asked to acknowledge receipt of the message in a timely manner. The LabAlert system is designed to continue alerting you until acknowledged to ensure emergency comms are received. Acknowledging the alert will also help identify who is safe or in need of assistance in case of an emergency.
LabAlert will be sent to Lab cell phones, desk phones, and email addresses. If you are not already signed up for LabAlert on your personal devices, please do so otherwise you may not receive critical messages in a timely manner.
For this drill, our goal is to achieve 100 percent accountability for employees. If you are not able to confirm receipt of the LabAlert, the Emergency Management team will work with members of your division line management to help confirm unaccounted for employees.