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John Corlett working on scientific equipment photo of kelsey miller Ernest Lawrence sitting at cyclotron 1941 Montage of photos of past SLAM finalists Ramamoorthy Ramesh sitting at a desk in an office. JGI researcher Peggy Lamaux, a Caucasion woman in her 60s, wearing a bright blue shirt, black vest and wire framed glasses, looks upward. Her image is superimposed over a field of tall sorghum plants, towering over her. DOE Office of Science Director Asmeret Berhe, a woman of color, stands in front of laboratory equipment with a Lab researcher, preparing to answer questions. An image of an Indian woman, Deepanwita Banerjee, sitting in a chair, facing the camera, wearing a dark shirt with her orange Berkeley Lab lanyard around her neck. Her computer screen is visible on the desk behind her. headshot of Volodymyr Vovchenko headshot of Ilan Gur 3Q4 with Blair Edwards image of University of California logo
