The Berkeley Lab Commute Survey Report shows a shift back to pre-pandemic riding modes with more options than ever available to those commuting to the Lab.
“This data will be used to create a strategic plan that will set the Lab’s priorities for transportation and expanded modes of access to Lab sites,” said Transportation and Parking Demand Senior Manager John Chernowski. “We want this report to help raise awareness of the commuting resources available to the Lab community.”
The survey, taken by more than 500 Lab employees and affiliates between March and May 2024, shows a snapshot of how people are commuting to and from Lab sites. The report indicates more than half of commuters still drive to Lab sites alone, citing time, cost, convenience, and work schedule as their primary reasons.
Interestingly, those who indicated they drive alone said the primary reasons for not using another commuting mode were lack of access to public transit, safety concerns regarding biking or riding to BART, a work schedule not compatible with carpooling or riding a shuttle, and biking being too physically demanding.
Almost all respondents are aware of the Lab’s shuttle service, and a majority are aware of bike and e-bike resources. Related, the Lab’s shuttle system draws the most interest from our community among sustainable commute options, especially when coordinated with public transit.
Chernowski hopes to increase awareness and participation in alternative transportation modes during 2025, including the convenience of Lab shuttles, E-bike rental and purchase programs, carpooling and rideshare programs, and the Wageworks transportation savings.
Nationally and locally, commuting trends show single-occupancy vehicle use increasing and riding public transit and carpooling decreasing from pre-pandemic averages. Most notably, BART ridership is only 40 percent of its average daily 2019 ridership.
The report can be accessed here, but below are some topline findings:
Modes of transportation
58% drive alone to Lab sites
28% use Lab shuttles
9% bike or walk
4.6% carpool
Profile snapshot of survey takers
518 people participated
91% were full-time employees
55% work in hybrid mode
39% worked full-time on-site
94% worked at the hill site