Please ensure that time is entered and approved prior to the sweep times to secure these weeks are paid as scheduled.

For Employees Reporting Time Weekly:

Time for 12/01 – 12/07/2024 – Sweep 10:00 AM Monday, 12/09/2024

Time for 12/08 – 12/14/2024 – Sweep 10:00 AM Monday, 12/16/2024

Time for 12/15 – 12/21/2024 – Early Sweep 10:00 AM Wednesday, 12/18/2024

Time for 12/22 – 12/28/2024 – Sweep 10:00 AM Thursday, 01/02/2025

Time for 12/29 – 12/31/2024 – Sweep 10:00 AM Thursday, 01/02/2025

Timecards for weeks ending 12/21/2024, 12/28/2024 and 12/31/2024 will all be available in LETS on 12/14/2024.

For Employees Reporting Time Monthly:

Time for 12/01/2024 – 12/31/2024 – Early Sweep 10:00 AM Monday, 12/16/2024

If you have any questions or concerns, please open a Payroll AskUs ticket.