Q: What LETS improvements can Lab employees expect this year?
For February’s monthly sweep, the Berkeley Lab Employee Time Reporting System (LETS) will allow employees to certify and approve timecards that were not certified or approved prior to the sweep. You will no longer receive a Signature Required Report, instead you will receive an email alerting you to what timecards were missed and you can go directly in LETS to certify or approve after the sweep. Please note additional changes to the timecard are NOT permitted. Those changes need to be coordinated through your supervisor and timekeeper as usual.
Q: What other changes should Lab employees be aware of regarding time and labor reporting?
The Time & Labor policy is under review to clarify roles and responsibilities, add more definitions of terms, and update links to LETS training materials and requirement documents. An updated policy will be posted in early March once it is finalized.
Q: How can supervisors make sure they understand these policy clarifications and changes?
Supervisors and work leads will soon be notified about a required LETS Approver training that will emphasize the importance of their role in ensuring labor costs are charged to the appropriate projects. This training will also give those in a time-approval role a number of resources and a centralized knowledge base for any questions regarding time reporting.