Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, the Director of the Office of Science for the Department of Energy, was the inaugural speaker in the Black History Month speaker series sponsored by the African American Employee Resource Group (AAERG). The town hall was moderated by Lab Director Mike Witherell and Jonathan Nurse, Director of Government and Community Relations for the Lab.
Watch this replay of the town hall that was held on Friday, Feb. 2.
The AAERG is sponsoring several speakers in the series and additional events. You can add the other speakers to your calendar
- Feb. 7 @ noon: Dr. Jonelle Basso, Biologist Research Scientist at the DOE Joint Genome Institute.
- Feb. 14 @ noon: James Lee, Computer Systems Engineer, Computing Sciences
- Feb. 21@ noon: Satya Gontcho a Gontcho, Physicist Project Scientist/Engineer, Physics
- Feb. 28 @ noon: Theresa Triplett, Manager, Officer of Institutional Assurance & Integrity