10/3/22: Please note that a sign has been posted for the new shuttle route. The Lab uses the Bus Stop on the BART Access Road, south of 39th St: https://goo.gl/maps/
The Lab is introducing a new shuttle route beginning Monday, Oct. 3, that will quickly move riders between the MacArthur BART station, the UC Berkeley campus, and the Lab’s hill site. The new route will run hourly in the mornings and afternoons. There is no mid-day service. See TripShot for the schedule.
The new route will travel primarily on Telegraph, allowing those who live in the neighborhood to take the shuttle as well. The route stops at Building 65, where a Blue line shuttle stops every seven minutes, allowing for easy transfers to reach the rest of the Lab buildings.
In addition to the new shuttle line, the Rockridge route will change slightly to better mesh with the MacArthur route. The Rockridge route will now travel College to Claremont since the MacArthur route will travel Telegraph. This will shorten the Rockridge route, and it will now enter and exit through Strawberry Gate. Between the Rockridge and MacArthur routes, a Lab shuttle will be at either BART station every 15 minutes.
The North Berkeley route has a minor change. The shuttle will now use Cedar rather than Vine and Rose between Oxford and Martin Luther King. This road is easier for vehicles to use and follows the AC Transit route.
The Lab’s shuttle stops are marked with new signs that show which route services the stop, whether it is limited to mornings and afternoons only, and the direction of travel.
For more details on the new route and the changes to others, use the TripShot app for live information.