In September, the Lab launched its new web home site at, designed to give critical audiences outside the Lab – funders, potential partners, the global scientific community, and the science-interested public – clear pathways to the information they seek while encouraging them to learn more about the Lab.
At the same time, we launched a news and resources site specially designed to meet the needs of internal audiences at
Shortly after launch, we asked Lab employees to share their reactions to the new sites. Generally, our employees had favorable reactions. Based on feedback, we made several changes including fixing problems with the search bar, addressing accessibility problems, and adding the Lab staff directory to the People landing page so that web visitors can more easily find someone at the Lab.
Moving the A-Z Index off of the Lab’s externally facing homepage was a less popular change among employees. It’s still easy to find; you can locate A-Z near the top at, bookmark it, or search for it using the search bar.
We’ll continue to study site analytics and make additional changes based on our web visitors’ usage patterns.
The new home site, part of a larger web system to be adopted in the coming year across the Lab, conveys and furthers the Lab’s research mission while helping achieve key goals for the organization, such as enhancing recruiting, partnerships, funding, and building a culture of inclusion.
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