The Lab issues parking permits in six colors. Most are familiar – yellow, blue, and orange – but three other colors have specialized use. Standard parking is Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Yellow: Referred to as general parking, this permit is available to all non-student employees and affiliate postdocs.
Blue Triangle: This is available to eligible affiliate faculty and senior Lab staff. A medical blue triangle permit is also issued for up to 30 days for those with short-term disabilities.
Orange Circle: This permit is available to senior Lab management.
Red: This is a special permit that is issued by the Projects and Modernization Division as needed.
Gray: This temporary permit, not to exceed 12 months, is issued to qualified student employees and affiliates.
Brown: This permit allows off-hours parking. It is issued to those with a Lab badge who do not qualify for one of the other options. Off-hours parking is Monday through Friday from 3 p.m. to 8 a.m., and all day on weekends, and holidays.
See the Requirements and Policy Manual (RPM) on parking policy for additional details.
The Lab has 35 carpool spaces at the hill site. Carpool spaces are available to vehicles meeting one of the following requirements:
1) vehicles displaying a Lab-issued daily carpool parking permit. The one-day permit is available at the gate to vehicles occupied by two or more badge holders, one of which can show a valid parking permit. The one-day permit should be placed on the vehicle’s dashboard when parking.
2) vehicles displaying two valid parking permits. Both permits must be hung from the rearview mirror when parking.

I thought we were doing away with blue triangles and orange circles to promote more equity in parking. I’m fairly disappointed to see that we are continuing with the hierarchical parking-permit structure that allows management to ignore the parking realities of the general lab population.
Thanks for your question. The Parking Policy Modernization working group is reviewing permit eligibility and permit type in the current policy, with a goal to publish a revised policy this spring and implement the new policy this summer.