• Dominic Beard says:

    Is there a 3-dimensional rendering of how the gate, and the lanes around it, would be arranged? Where can we find more information about the design and design review process? Was there an opportunity for the lab community to provide end-user feedback?

  • Steven Filippoff says:

    Hi Dominic, I am the project manager within the Lab’s project organization (PIMD) responsible for the execution of this project.
    Thank you for your comment, it’s a great question!
    During next week’s briefing, I will be discussing the design elements and features of the gate replacement project.
    For real time information on the project’s progress, please access the project’s webpage at: https://sites.google.com/lbl.gov/pim-projects/infrastructure-and-upgrade-projects/strawberry-gate-upgrade-project
    Thank you for your interest in this important project!