Can you guess the total number of pieces of USPS mail sent and received by the Lab last March? If you answered 340 pieces, congratulations.
The Facilities Logistics team analyzed incoming and outgoing mail volume for one month and discovered that the Lab handles fewer than 15 pieces of mail per day. There are, however, 200 mail stops across the Lab that should be checked daily. Monitoring all these stops on a daily basis is not an efficient use of time or resources given the limited mail traffic.
Beginning Monday, April 1, the number of mail stops will be reduced across the Lab. Each building will retain at least one mail stop. Signage will be posted at each mail stop over the next week with information about where each new mail stop can be found. IT will also update mail stops automatically in the Lab directory.
In addition, a new mail stop for remote workers – M/S REMOTE – will be added to the system. Remote workers can set this as their mail stop and mail staff will contact them to arrange for pickup or delivery of their mail from Building 69.
The reduction in mail stops will allow for more timely delivery of mail and packages sent to mail stops, and less opportunity for missing mail. It also allows mail staff to work with the Shipping Department to provide more shipping support to the Lab.
More information about the changes and mail services in general can be found here.
Can we use the closing mailstop station number for any procurement delivery location such as packages? Or should we use the new mailstop station number for any future procurement delivery packages also?
Great question Jeong. These changes are ONLY for mail. Package delivery will continue to work as is.