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Ridepanda e-mobility company logo with an illustrated panda wearing a red helmet. Person presenting science project to group of seated persons Three persons sitting at long table reading papers with wall-mounted monitor above them. Person sitting on stool inside radio station with shelves of record albums on either side. Group of persons holding red sign in front of them with the words " welcome" and "Thank you for volunteering" Baked pie with numerals that make up the value of pi on top Red lit disks aligned horizontally displaying quantum simulation. Entrance to commercial setting with gatehouse and orange traffic sign An aerial view showing the Advanced Light Source (ALS, Building 6), Building 2, and the surrounding buildings of the ALS complex as seen from an aerial photography drone at Berkeley Lab. Group of persons sitting inside a room on a bench in front of large windows. Domed building on a hillside. Logo of large green letters "SLAM" with sentence above reading "National Lab Research"
