If you test positive or have symptoms of COVID, contact Health Services at 1-510-486-6266. The Health Services nurses will provide guidance based on your symptoms. Do not come to a Lab site or travel on official business if you have any COVID symptoms.  

If you test positive, you can return to a Lab site or continue official business travel when:

  • Your symptoms have been improving for at least 24 hours, AND
  • You are fever-free for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medication such as aspirin or acetaminophen.

If you test positive and do not have any symptoms, you can return to a Lab site or continue official business travel without any isolation time, but contact Health Services to report the positive test.

When returning after a positive COVID test, you must wear a face covering for ten days from when you tested positive or started having symptoms. If you need face coverings, contact your supervisor or building manager. 

If you are exposed to someone with COVID, you are no longer required to mask and test. However, it is recommended to mask for ten days and test within five days, especially if you or those around you are at higher risk. If needed, you can request a test kit by emailing covidinfo@lbl.gov.

The Lab uses information from Cal/OSHA, the California Department of Public Health, and the Centers for Disease Control in designing its COVID protocols. Additional information is available at covid.lbl.gov and ehs.lbl.gov/coronavirus/. If you have any questions, please contact Health Services at 1-510-486-6266 or email covidinfo@lbl.gov

1 Comment

  • Robin Mitchell says:

    It seems a bit crazy that, given the high COVID rates, that the lab isn’t recommending that employees wear masks in onsite meetings.

    Maybe not requiring, but strongly recommending it.

    I know several people, at LBNL and other national labs, that have gotten COVID at recent conferences, and have then brought it home and infected others they are in contact with.

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